Thursday 15 May 2014

Print Advert - Textual Analysis

The lighting in this poster is high key. There is a catch light in the coffee's reflection which suggests a strong light source. This strong lighting could be a relation to the strong coffee. The poster is advertising extra strong coffee, so the bold lighting could be a representation of this. The light has been positioned so the owl's tummy looks more 3D, so lighting has been effectively used to create a more realistic model of an owl with coffee beans. 

Owls have big, bright eyes which help them hunt at night. Their eyes always makes them look alert and ready. They also sleep in the day and are awake at night, so both the wide eyes and staying awake at night stands as a reference to the coffee being advertised - that the coffee will help drinkers stay alert like owls. The connotations of owls include wisdom and intelligence, so this advert is using an owl to appeal to their readers and help sell their coffee because it tells the reader that with their coffee, they'll gain wisdom and intelligence just like an owl.

The light green background has connotations of nature because nature has a green colour palette. This could be a reference to both the owl and their relations to nature, or the coffee is natural and therefore healthier. The brand might have to remind their drinkers that their coffee isn't unhealthy because there's more caffeine in their coffee, therefore the light colour green helps to lighten up the advert overall and lessen the heavy, negative connotations that "extra strong coffee" might hold, like unhealthiness and drowsiness.

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