Thursday 15 May 2014

Film Poster - Textual Analysis

The angle used in this poster is a long shot. This show us the main character from the film, who has a mask on and is holding a weapon. This hockey mask has become well known in the horror film genre, as the Friday the 13th films have featured this character in the series of films since the 80's, so the hockey mask has become a part of the iconography for the Friday the 13th series of films. The lighting falls on his mask in the poster which puts emphasis on this iconography and shows the return of the well known character which might invite more people to want to see the film. The series has been going since the 80's, so people who saw the first film might be interested in the remake. 

The long shot also shows the background which is a dark, gloomy forest. The connotations of this when it's included in a horror film's poster is death and murder. A common feature of horror films is a murder in a gloomy forest - it's a common setting for horror films, so the background of the poster gives an overall setting for the film. However, the audience may already be familiar with the setting for the film because it's just a remake. The tagline for the film is "Welcome To Crystal Lake". This is where the first film was set, so they've returned to the same location for the remake. As some people may already be familiar with the place, the creators would emphasise what the viewers already know and include this in the iconography for the poster. 

The camera is at quite a low angle, so the camera (and therefore, the audience) will be looking up at the person on the poster. This means he looks superior over the audience so we're inferior, and the low key, dramatic lighting creates a fearsome representation of him. He seems confident in his stance. This confidence is showing that he's not bothered by anything - he's not particularly daunted by the fact that he has a weapon in his hand ready to kill people. This pushes his fearsome representation of him further because he looks ready to kill. There's a good use on an enigma code here because the audience won't know who he wants to kill. This remake may have similar elements from the original film, but the point still stands that we don't know about characters in this film, and whether or not they'll include original characters, so the audience will want to find out who he wants to kill and why.

The colour red has been used on the film title and the date at the bottom of the poster. Red has negative connotations of death and blood. This is cohesion between the colour palette and the genre of film. In a stereotypical horror film, there will be blood and gore. The use of red on the title emphasises this genre convention. The use of red on the date at the bottom emphasis that the date will be the 13th. Obviously this is cohesion between the date used in the film and the release date, so emphasising this through the colour red not only has connotations of death, but will give the audience a bigger motive to see the film on the release date because it will feel spookier. The number 13 has old superstitions of evil, and the number is believed to be incredibly unlucky, so having the horror film about the 13th released on the 13th is a good marketing technique and will influence people to see the film on that day.

Having "From The Producers of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" placed just above the film title is good use of mark of quality because will influence fans of those films to see this one. The TCCM is a very well-known horror film with a lot of fans, so having the producers of that film work on this film will definitely attract fans of TTCM to see it. 

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