Thursday 3 October 2013

The Inbetweeners - Audience

The Inbetweeners is a E4-aired British sitcom based around four teenagers at sixth form. The intended audience for the show is 16-25 year olds because of the college environment and the younger characters. I would say, though, that people older than 25 will enjoy the show because of the comedy. It's very inappropriate at parts, but this factor of the show can make anyone of most ages laugh. The intended audience is 16-25 year olds, but I believe people up to the age of around 40 will find it funny too, despite not being able to relate to it as well as the intended audience. It's aimed at males more than females because the main characters are male. This gender dominance can attract more males to the show than it can females. The fact that the characters aren't good looking (and aren't supposed to be) won't attract females, but the fact that it's comedy could attract females. The males in the show degrade women quite a lot in the show, and only use them for failed sexual favours, so this could put women off the show. It's mostly aimed at men aged between 16-25.

The two main gratifications of the show are entertainment and social integration. It's entertainment because it's a comedy. The fact it's aired on E4, the 'E' of which stands for 'entertainment' tells us as an audience that it's going to entertain us and make us laugh. For men aged between 16-25, the show could often be watched to fill up time. A typical stereotype of men is that they sit around doing not a lot all day, so this relatable comedy for men could be a way of filling up time. It also has the gratification of social integration because of how relatable it is. People could watch it simply so they have something to talk about to their mates the next day. The show has grown to become a huge success around the UK, so socially it could be seen as strange to not watch it, which means some people might watch it just to fit in with not only their friends, but society as well. 

The programme goes against the dominant ideology that all boys in college manage to get a girlfriend and go partying most nights. The main characters in the show fail to get any female attention at all, and they rarely get invited to parties. This goes against many people's impressions about college. The overall audience for the show is male 16-25 year olds.

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