Thursday 30 January 2014

How to improve

Audience Question
  • Talk about the connotations of the cover features and how to influence their target audience to buy the magazine
  • Use more media language, e.g. representation, mode of address, objectification
  • Justify my answers - not only describe what I see but say why it's been done, the meanings, the connotations etc.
  • More general detail in my descriptions of both describing and justifying

Representation Question
  • Refer to specific texts in my answers
  • Do research beforehand into existing media texts to be prepared for the exam
  • Use more media language, e.g. ideology, connotations, gratifications
  • Use justification as well as description

Revision and study
  • Make a list of keywords to revise and remember
  • Add work to my blog constantly so I'm reminded of what I need to talk about in my exam
  • Go onto newspaper/magazine websites to gather an understanding of things like representation, objectification and gratifications
  • Look at more case studies to prepare better for my exam

  • Reshoot for my second pre-production
  • Finish off the rest of my unfinished blog posts

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