Friday 28 February 2014

Ethnic Minorities

  • Exotic
  • Dangerous
  • Pitied
  • Humourous
  • Sexualised
Dangerous -
The first image we see on this article is a picture of a black, young boy with a gun. This stereotypes all people of this race to be dangerous.

Pitied - 
The children shown on this website are from foreign countries in areas of severe poverty. They are shown looking distressed, ill and lonely. They are pitied because we are encouraged to donate money to help the children. 

Sexualised -
Daily Mail has labelled Monika Jakisic as "the Croatian model". This mention of ethnicity plays on the fact that they're more exotic and interesting. The article is covered in pictures of the model in little clothing, so she is sexualised. 

Thursday 6 February 2014

Representation - Old

The title of this Daily Mail article is "Jackie Stallone, 92, cakes on heavy make-up for trip to buy electric heater", with the tagline "Don't let your face melt! Jackie Stallone, 92, cakes on heavy make-up for trip to buy electric heater". Daily Mail has already stated Stallone's age twice before the article has even begun, meaning her age is something of importance. This is a negative representation of older people because already telling the readers the person's age  means this is the first piece of information we gain from the person, meaning the article is going to be based around that. The comment in the tagline "Don't let your face melt!" can be seen as patronising towards older people because they are stereotypically seen as a bit weak and frail, meaning they might need a bit of help. This 'advice' the Mail is offering to Stallone is giving a negative representation of older people. 

The close-up image of Stallone is focusing on her looks, which is essentially what the article is about due to the title saying "cakes on heavy make-up". This article is just focusing on her age and her looks, giving a negative representation of older people because it's telling readers that you have to maintain your looks at an older age.